self improvement

Start before you know how.

You want to start writing online but don’t know what to write about or how to build an audience. You want to start a YouTube channel but don’t know how to get people interested in your videos. You want to start a business but don’t know how it’ll come to life with limited resources and […]

Start before you know how. Read More »

Progress, not perfection.

The only way someone can succeed and reach their highest goals is by progressing towards it. Success isn’t something you can grab in one go. To master the skills for success, you must practice them consistently without losing enthusiasm. You must get through the tough times and come out on the other end undefeated. Discipline

Progress, not perfection. Read More »

The Power Is Within You

Life consists of highs and lows. It’s never the same; you can never predict future outcomes with 100% certainty. However, you have the power within you to live a life with intention. Even though you can’t control future outcomes, you can think, act, and live your desired life. There are things you can control and

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