About Me

Hi, I’m Biliz.

I write about self-improvement, creativity, online writing, and life. My goal is to inspire people by sharing my knowledge and experiences.

How I Started This Blog

I always knew that I wanted to do something creative in life. Blogging had been on my bucket list for a long time. I tried it once in 2016, but it failed horribly. My website broke down due to some technical issues. All my work was gone. I didn’t bother getting it back.

After four years, I finally got a chance to start this blog during the COVID lockdown. Like most of us, I was bored and wanted to do something new. What better time to start a blog than now? So I did it. I wrote a few articles, and I shared them with some of my friends. The shared a positive response. Then I started writing more about books, life experiences, and things I were doing at the time.

I began to enjoy the process of writing and sharing. Most importantly, it felt good when people resonated with my writing. I published 3-4 articles every week. I kept learning and improving. Now, I enjoy writing, which has become a big part of my life. I write  every day on different platforms, especially Medium.

Experience and Future Plans

Starting this blog has been one of the best experiences of my life. It has helped me explore a new world that I never knew existed. I had never imagined that I would be sharing my stories on the internet for other people to read.

This blog has not only given me a way to express myself, but it has also brought new opportunities for me. For instance, I was invited to talk on a podcast by Mr. Umes Shrestha because he got to know about my writing from LinkedIn. He liked it (and a few others from my blog), so he wanted to talk with me on his podcast.

I write on different platforms, Medium being the top one. In March 2022, I became a Top Writer in Writing on Medium.

I’ve had many opportunities to work with freelance clients worldwide because of my writing.

Find me on different platforms:

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