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Start before you know how.

You want to start writing online but don’t know what to write about or how to build an audience. You want to start a YouTube channel but don’t know how to get people interested in...

Opportunities show up when you do.

My online writing journey began without knowing where I wanted to be. I was writing articles because I needed something to do during the 2020 lockdowns. I enjoyed writing and...

3 Major Benefits I Received Running 15–20 Kilometers Every Week

I was an intense runner three years ago. Then, everything stopped. I lost my enthusiasm for running because I had to focus on work, family, and more work. Well, that’s just an...

The Genius Way To Steal Creative Ideas (Without Plagiarizing Them)

Every idea has been taken. Everything you can possibly think of, someone has already used it to create content of their own. If you don’t believe me, google it, or search for it on...

Do This If You Want People To Take You More Seriously

We often feel unheard. You feel people’s resistance in meetings or among a group of friends. When you try to express your views and opinions, people don’t listen to you or...

Money Might Not Buy You Happiness. But It Will Give You These Four Powers.

Money is something everybody wants. Even the wealthy keep dreaming about how to grow their wealth and go from millionaires to billionaires. Making money is like a never-ending...

It Only Takes One Piece Of Your Work To Change Everything

Many writers chase virality. But nobody can deliberately go viral. It’s something I learned after years of writing online. I thought writing viral articles was easy if we just did...

Don’t Quit Just Yet. Good Things Are Coming Your Way.

You’re having doubts. That project isn’t going to work out. Writing isn’t for me because I don’t see any results. I’m not made for this business. I don’t enjoy my job anymore. We...

Start before you know how.

You want to start writing online but don’t know what to write about or how to build an audience. You want to start a YouTube channel but don’t know how to get people interested in...

Opportunities show up when you do.

My online writing journey began without knowing where I wanted to be. I was writing articles because I needed something to do during the 2020 lockdowns. I enjoyed writing and...

3 Major Benefits I Received Running 15–20 Kilometers Every Week

I was an intense runner three years ago. Then, everything stopped. I lost my enthusiasm for running because I had to focus on work, family, and more work. Well, that’s just an...

The Genius Way To Steal Creative Ideas (Without Plagiarizing Them)

Every idea has been taken. Everything you can possibly think of, someone has already used it to create content of their own. If you don’t believe me, google it, or search for it on...

Do This If You Want People To Take You More Seriously

We often feel unheard. You feel people’s resistance in meetings or among a group of friends. When you try to express your views and opinions, people don’t listen to you or...

Money Might Not Buy You Happiness. But It Will Give You These Four Powers.

Money is something everybody wants. Even the wealthy keep dreaming about how to grow their wealth and go from millionaires to billionaires. Making money is like a never-ending...

It Only Takes One Piece Of Your Work To Change Everything

Many writers chase virality. But nobody can deliberately go viral. It’s something I learned after years of writing online. I thought writing viral articles was easy if we just did...

Don’t Quit Just Yet. Good Things Are Coming Your Way.

You’re having doubts. That project isn’t going to work out. Writing isn’t for me because I don’t see any results. I’m not made for this business. I don’t enjoy my job anymore. We...

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