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Looking Back at 2020 – COVID-19 And More

Phewww!!!! What a year 2020 was…I don’t even know where to begin. First and foremost, the obvious, COVID-19 shook the world in a way that no one had imagined. The world...

Morning Routines Are Overrated — Focus on Time Management

Morning routines have become very popular these days. Every other YouTuber or blogger, especially the one who creates content on personal development, has made a video or written...

11 Reasons Why You Should Start A Blog in 2021

Starting a blog might seem like a lot of work. You might have a lot of doubts and questions like: What am I going to write about? What content will I put up? Nobody is going to...

Becoming One Step Better Every Day Will Eventually Lead You To Success

In his book The ONE Thing, Gary Keller explains how doing only one thing, the most important thing, that will have the maximum impact, is all you need to succeed. You have to...

The Power of THOUGHTS – You Are What You Think

Thoughts are things. What you think, you become. Psychologists have discovered that humans have around 6,000 thoughts every day. Some are conscious thoughts, while others are...

Personal Development Is Not For Everyone. If You Want To Succeed, Do This Instead.

For the past couple of months, I have started calling myself a writer on personal development. If you look back at my old articles, you will find that most of them are related to...

The Social Dilemma — How Social Media Is Manipulating The Human Psychology

Human beings are social animals. Let me re-phrase that in context to the current world. Human beings are digitally social animals. Social media has revolutionized the way we meet...

This Anne Frank Quote Will Teach You A Valuable Life-Lesson

Sometimes when you hear or read a quote by someone, it kinda hits you. You start thinking about how true it is and start resonating it with your life. Well, it happened to me...

Looking Back at 2020 – COVID-19 And More

Phewww!!!! What a year 2020 was…I don’t even know where to begin. First and foremost, the obvious, COVID-19 shook the world in a way that no one had imagined. The world...

Morning Routines Are Overrated — Focus on Time Management

Morning routines have become very popular these days. Every other YouTuber or blogger, especially the one who creates content on personal development, has made a video or written...

11 Reasons Why You Should Start A Blog in 2021

Starting a blog might seem like a lot of work. You might have a lot of doubts and questions like: What am I going to write about? What content will I put up? Nobody is going to...

Becoming One Step Better Every Day Will Eventually Lead You To Success

In his book The ONE Thing, Gary Keller explains how doing only one thing, the most important thing, that will have the maximum impact, is all you need to succeed. You have to...

The Power of THOUGHTS – You Are What You Think

Thoughts are things. What you think, you become. Psychologists have discovered that humans have around 6,000 thoughts every day. Some are conscious thoughts, while others are...

Personal Development Is Not For Everyone. If You Want To Succeed, Do This Instead.

For the past couple of months, I have started calling myself a writer on personal development. If you look back at my old articles, you will find that most of them are related to...

The Social Dilemma — How Social Media Is Manipulating The Human Psychology

Human beings are social animals. Let me re-phrase that in context to the current world. Human beings are digitally social animals. Social media has revolutionized the way we meet...

This Anne Frank Quote Will Teach You A Valuable Life-Lesson

Sometimes when you hear or read a quote by someone, it kinda hits you. You start thinking about how true it is and start resonating it with your life. Well, it happened to me...

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