4 Ways You Can Achieve Financial Freedom By Writing Online

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The internet and technological growth have allowed writers to showcase their work and make money online.

Writing is the most lucrative skill one can learn to become financially free.

It might not make you a millionaire overnight. But it can help you to create a decent income. You can become financially free and live the life of your dreams if you know how to write online.

It might sound exaggerated. However, numerous examples of writers have become successful by writing online. Justin Welsh, Dan Koe, Tim Ferriss, and Mark Manson are a few.

How can you gain financial freedom by writing online? How can you make $10,000 to $50,000+ monthly by typing words online?

Read more to find out.

Writing online is not about showing how good of a writer you are. Instead, it’s about inspiring others and making an impact on them.

Writing is about providing value to others. It’s about educating, informing, or entertaining readers.

If you can do so, many people will read your work. The more views you get, the more money you can make.

Below are four ways you can become financially free by writing online:

1 — Writing for websites

Medium is the best example of this. It allows writers to share their ideas with others. It is free (for writers) to write about whatever they want.

Writing for websites like Medium can help make extra income monthly. Writers make thousands of dollars monthly by writing about what they want on Medium.

Other similar sites include Vocal Media, Newsbreak, Substack, etc.

Some websites also allow guest writers to contribute in exchange for a fee. They pay good money if your article is good. Some pay per-view, while others pay a direct fee per article.

If you have been writing online long enough, you can also get offered to write for larger publications like Forbes, Inc., Entrepreneur, and more.

2 — Building products

If financial freedom is your goal, creating products is the best way to achieve it. It is the secret of many writers making thousands and millions per year.

Justin Welsh and Dan Koe are great examples of it. They have courses, books, and other resources generating income each year. This allows them to develop a passive income through their products.

The best products you can build as a writer are e-books, courses, guides, planners, video tutorials, and physical books.

Mark Manson and Tim Ferriss were bloggers before they wrote their best-selling books. They began by creating an audience through their articles. Then, they wrote books after learning they could sell greater ideas in the form of books to their audiences.

When you build digital products, you can keep generating money from them. You do the work once. But, you make money repeatedly.

3 — Teaching to an audience

A good writer is also a teacher.

They teach their audience through articles, workshops, seminars, webinars, and other products we discussed previously.

Teaching is a great way to build an audience. It also helps you monetize your writing skills.

You can teach your audience by giving them valuable information, educating them on specific topics, motivating them to improve their lives, and entertaining them.

Many writers also speak in workshops, podcasts, and webinars. You can get paid to do so. Or you can find an audience through these platforms and monetize your work later.

4 — Ghostwriting and freelancing

These are pretty straightforward ways to make money through writing.

Ghostwriting is writing for other businesses or individuals without revealing your identity. Your name will not be used for the article, book, or whatever you write. Instead, the business or individual will take credit for it. However, you will get paid a handsome amount for your contribution.

Freelancing also works similarly. It’s basically like working a day job. The only difference is that you can work remotely for a company or employer.

Many writers are bagging thousands of dollars each month by ghostwriting and freelancing.

You must be flexible to write anything like articles, copywriting for websites or social media, book drafts, case studies, etc.


Online writing opens the door to many opportunities.

You must focus on building your skills and promoting your work. People need to know who you are and what you can do for them. Only then, you can leverage your skills to reach financial freedom.

Anyone who has a valuable skill can monetize it. Writing is a high-demand job. Businesses and employers are constantly seeking good writers.

Further, the skill can also be used to create your own products and build an audience. That way, you can monetize on your own terms and become financially free faster.

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