
The Power Is Within You

Life consists of highs and lows. It’s never the same; you can never predict future outcomes with 100% certainty. However, you have the power within you to live a life with intention. Even though you can’t control future outcomes, you can think, act, and live your desired life. There are things you can control and

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The Purpose of Work

Humans have been working since the beginning of time. But the type of work has evolved throughout generations. Our ancestors were hunter-gatherers who worked by hunting for food. They lived in groups and worked together. Thankfully, we no longer have to carry our hunting tools and roam around the forest. We can work from our

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How Choices Impact Your Life

Even the most minor decisions can severely impact your life. They might not be visible today or tomorrow, but you will notice them in the long run. For example, if you choose to go to the gym and exercise today, nothing changes tomorrow. Your physical appearance will remain the same. You go to the gym

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Take A Day Off

We all have good days and bad days. Somedays, you feel energetic and productive; other days, you don’t feel like doing anything. It might be due to any event that occurred or just your emotions. It can even be without any specific reason that you are feeling low. On the days when you have no

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How To Get Anything You Want

There is a lot of “life advice” on the internet. People have all kinds of stories regarding how to achieve your desires. But, the process I’m going to discuss is not any law of attraction hack. I’m not going to tell you to write it down, think about it, visualize, meditate, or affirm it over

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