Start before you know how.

You want to start writing online but don’t know what to write about or how to build an audience.

You want to start a YouTube channel but don’t know how to get people interested in your videos.

You want to start a business but don’t know how it’ll come to life with limited resources and funding.

We’ve all been in these situations. We want to do something but don’t know how it will work. That’s when most people quit or don’t take the first step, which is to start.

Just start.

You don’t need to know how things will work out or have everything figured out from the beginning. The important thing is that you start, and things will slowly fall into place once you take action.

I love the saying, “Say yes now; figure it out later.”

Most creators overthink the creative process and worry about making everything perfect. Here’s the truth: Nothing will be perfect when you start. Things will fall apart, and you must learn from your mistakes.

You must take action before worrying about the outcome.

For example, if you know nothing about writing, write 500 words daily about anything you like. Then, publish your writings on the internet. Do this for a hundred days and see how you progress.

If you want to start a YouTube channel, start recording, editing, and publishing videos consistently. You will build an audience, grow your subscribers and views, and make money from it.

Don’t wait for the right time; create it.

The right time is now, not in the future. You don’t have to plan everything from the beginning and wait for the correct moment to start something. If you are skeptical now, how can you guarantee you won’t feel the same later?

“No one does when they begin. Ideas don’t come out fully formed. They only become clear as you work on them. You just have to get started.”
— Mark Zuckerburg

No millionaire or billionaire had everything figured out from day one. As Mark says, they worked on an idea first, and things became more apparent as they continued working towards it.

You don’t have to go big from the beginning. Start small. Take small actions that help you make progress. These actions taken daily will result in significant outcomes in the future. The important thing is that you start acting daily towards your intention.

Every large goal can be broken down into smaller chunks — actions you can take daily that, over time, will turn into crucial outcomes.

Don’t overthink the process. Be clear about the goal and take the first step. You will find and walk toward the path that makes sense, and then you’ll be close to where you want to be.

“You don’t have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step.”
―Martin Luther King Jr.

Everything will seem complicated and unclear at the beginning. It’s your intention and action that’ll slowly make things possible. That’s how scientists built rockets. That’s how engineers and researchers discovered the world’s most complicated technologies.

Start and act persistently towards your intention. That’s how you get what you want. But the most crucial step is to start.