
Practice ‘Writing Therapy’ To Create A Better Life For Yourself

Writing therapy is a form of expressing your thoughts, feelings, and emotional state in written words. Studies have shown that writing how you feel can help you overcome different types of mental diseases. Writing with traditional pen and paper is rare because of smartphones and social media apps. Instead, we communicate through text messages, video calls, and emails. […]

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Always Do Your Best

“Concentrate every minute like a Roman” —Marcus Aurelius, Meditations. No matter what you do, do your best. It can be the work at your job, creative work, or simply a hobby. Your actions are always in your control. So give your hundred percent every time. Don’t hold yourself back because of other people’s opinions or

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How To Get Anything You Want

There is a lot of “life advice” on the internet. People have all kinds of stories regarding how to achieve your desires. But, the process I’m going to discuss is not any law of attraction hack. I’m not going to tell you to write it down, think about it, visualize, meditate, or affirm it over

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