The Creative Secret You’re Not Supposed To Know

As creative individuals, we seek the rewards — views, likes, shares, and earnings.

I used to look at my stats daily and get disappointed when my articles didn’t perform well. I’d spend hours writing and editing them; all they did was get me twenty views.

That isn’t very pleasant.

However, as I got more into writing, I understood the truth about creative crafts.

If you are here only for the rewards, you will never be happy and fulfilled.

If you pursue views and likes, you will suffer because they won’t always be in your favor. The same is true for earnings and engagements.

Creative work should never be about the outcome.

It should be about the craft itself. For example, if you are a musician, do you make music because you want to sell thousands of copies of your songs or because you like making music?

Creativity works in your favor when you are deeply passionate about it. It means that no external reward should be your mission. Instead, your goal should be to work because you like doing so.

When you focus on the work — creating, publishing, and sharing — the rewards appear.

No successful creator ever got into their fields just to make money or become famous. Sure, some might have gotten lucky. But most of them had a passion for their work. And when they persisted with their work — even when the times were difficult — they succeeded.

It will pass.

Always remember that the moment will pass, whether you are doing good or bad in your creative work.

Suppose you wrote an article that went viral. You are so happy. It feels as if you are on top of the world. You are making money and gaining followers. People want to know how you did it.

These exciting outcomes will slowly fade in a few weeks or months. Ultimately, that single article won’t help you succeed. You will need to open a new page and write again. The good moments will pass.

So will the bad ones.

Suppose you are trying hard to write daily and engage with other writers. You give your audience your best work. Yet, you are not seeing any outcome. Hang in there. Persistence will help you in this scenario. Soon, your work will be recognized by thousands of people. You just have to keep going. In other words, the bad moments will also pass.

If every moment comes to an end, why become attached to the outcome? Instead, why not focus on the work and find fulfillment in it?

Everything has changed since I began thinking about writing this way. I enjoy writing and don’t seek the rewards as much. I do check my stats, of course. But I don’t dwell on them, no matter how my articles perform.

It applies to every creative field — making music, art, videography, writing, etc.

Keep going, and follow your passion. I know it sounds cliche as fuck, but it is true. Passion and persistence will lead to places you never imagined. You will enjoy many moments, and you will also suffer in some. Whatever it is, never let the outcomes define your love for your craft.