Why It’s Crucial To Live With Intention

We often feel lost, not knowing where we are headed in life. Nothing works out, and life happens without our control.

I’ve felt that many times in my life. I wasn’t sure what my purpose was, and even though I knew what I wanted in life, I couldn’t move forward in that direction.

However, the truth was I didn’t know what I wanted.

I was not living intentionally, so I wrote everything I could about my situation. That gave me clarity. I broke down each aspect of life and how I wanted them to be.

The only thing that remains is action, which is the hardest part. It’s easy to plan and say you want this and that, but actually working to achieve your desires can be challenging. I’m working on taking the right actions each day. I’m also getting better at organizing my thoughts and mindset.

Living an intentional life has turned around many circumstances. I don’t fool around anymore. I do as much work as possible to get the desired results. I say no to drinking and meeting up with friends for no particular reason.

“It’s our intention. Our intention is everything. Nothing happens on this planet without it. Not one single thing has ever been accomplished without intention.” — Jim Carrey

You are supposed to live the life you want and not do what others plan for you.

People often believe it’s impossible to get what they want. That’s because they never intended to pursue their goals. Some tried but gave up quickly.

You have to know what you want and work towards it with one hundred percent certainty.

Understand that nobody is coming to save you. You are in this game by yourself and for yourself. Take control and full responsibility for what happens to you. Outside circumstances might have some impact on your life. But it’s what happens on the inside that matters more. Your internal beliefs, thoughts, and mindset control your external results.

Remember, it’s not what happens to you but how you respond.

Plan your life and live with intention

Write down your goals. Make a list of things you want to achieve daily, weekly, monthly, yearly, and even after that. When you know what you want, you start living with intention.

It sounds easier said than done because most people have no idea what they truly want. They only have a vague idea about their ambitions. For example, when you ask someone what they want, they’ll answer, “Become wealthy and successful.”

What does that even mean?

People aren’t specific enough. They cannot define what being wealthy and successful means to them. We all want different things. For instance, some are happy making $10k a month, while others who are making $50k want more than that.

Be clear about your intentions. Writing down your goals and working towards them daily will help you live an intentional life. Additionally, using your imagination to visualize your dream life enhances your chances of manifesting it into reality.

Don’t let life happen. Create it. Work towards your dreams because if you don’t, your time on this earth will be a waste.

Start living an intentional life now.

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