The Power Of “Knowing What You Want” To Manifest Your Desires Into Reality

I had plans to meet my friend yesterday, but for some reason, she said she would be an hour late. I told her I’d wait for her at the supermarket because I had to get a few things for myself.

Since I was there early, I went to the supermarket and got the four things I wanted. It took me 5 minutes to finish my shopping. I still had 55 minutes to kill, so I roamed the place and tried to find something I might need.

After randomly strolling around for over 20 minutes, I realized I hadn’t got anything. Instead, I was looking at the same places repeatedly.

This supermarket incident got me thinking about how we do the same thing with our lives.

Many of us don’t know what we want in life. Therefore, we feel stuck and unsure about what’s going on. At first, I knew what I had to get at the supermarket. It was easy to navigate through the shelves and get what I wanted, which only took 5 minutes.

Once I had nothing more to buy, I unconsciously walked around the place without a specific goal, losing track of my purpose in being at the mart.

Knowing what you want is the most essential step to getting it.

People often discuss making money, buying a house, going on vacations, and similar goals. However, only a few know what they truly want. When they say “making money,” what exactly does it mean? Everybody wants to make money. What is the specific goal? It’s like saying I want to buy something at the supermarket but don’t know what it is. Similarly, when you say you want to make money, you must know exactly what you want to earn or be worth.

The same goes for buying a house or going on vacations. Where? When? What? Why? You must be clear of all the “Wh” questions about your desires. That’ll program your subconscious and help you take further actions to make your wishes come to life.

Like my supermarket incident, achieving it becomes easier and quicker when you know what you want. You can determine the how when you have answers to your “Wh” questions. I knew what I wanted at the market, so I walked to the areas where they put the stuff and got it.

Most often, the universe also helps you find your how.

The importance of setting clear and specific goals

Setting goals is another term for knowing what you want.

When you list your goals on a paper, you are writing about what you want to achieve, usually at a specific time. Successful people stress the importance of setting goals because they know it will help them to work towards their dreams.

It is also said that writing goals down with a physical pen and paper helps you achieve them quickly. When you do this activity, your cognitive mind understands and stores your writing, which will get you to act toward your goals.

Goals are often written with specific times of achievement. This strengthens their power. As I said, the more questions you answer when setting goals, the more likely they will come true.

Additionally, it is essential to imagine yourself achieving your goals and desires. Visualize and live as if you are already living the life you want to. Affirm positive words that help you strengthen your beliefs about your goals.

The power of intention

When planning your desires, you must set an intention to achieve them. Your intention is crucial for manifesting your goals and desires.

Wayne Dyer, author of The Power of Intention, says,

“Intention is not something you do, but rather a force that exists in the universe as an invisible field of energy.”

Whether you want it or not, intention is always there. It is you who must decide how you want to use this intention. You have the power to control your intentions toward a specific direction.

Living with intention is crucial. Everybody sets goals, but only those with the right intentions align with their goals and truly achieve them.

You must know what you want and work towards it with absolute certainty. Don’t rely on others to fulfill your dreams; you must take full responsibility for your life.

Always be clear about your intentions when setting goals and manifesting something.


Know what you want. If you want to live meaningfully and fulfill your dreams, you must know where you are headed in life.

Answer the Wh questions. What do you want? When do you want it? Where? Why? These questions help you clarify your desires and align with them.

Set clear and specific goals. Write them down on paper, visualize and read them daily to strengthen the possibility of achievement.

Live with intention. He who lives with intention gets what he desires; he who doesn’t, lives an uncertain life.

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