The Law Of Attraction—How To Use It To Attract What You Want In Life

the law of attraction and the universe

The law of attraction has been a hot topic ever since a book called The Secret came out. Later, the book was transformed into a movie with the same name.

The Secret shows you how if you focus on something you want, and think about it constantly, you will manifest it into your life. While that is true on some level, there is much more to the law of attraction than merely thinking about what you want.

In this article, I will address the law of attraction at a deeper level. Furthermore, I will also talk about how you can use it to get what you want in life.

When I first heard about the law of attraction, I became a fan—like most the people do. Well, everybody wants to attract the things they want in life. Ever since, I have read books/articles, watched videos, listened to podcasts about the subject, and even tried applying it to my life. I will be sharing my experience later in this article.

So, let’s begin.

What is the Law of Attraction?

In simple terms, the law of attraction is a philosophy that says you attract what you focus on most. It is a universal law, just like the law of gravity. This law always works whether you believe it or not. For instance, the law of gravity always works whether you believe in it or not. The apple always falls off the tree. We always return to the ground after we make a jump.

Similarly, the law of attraction is also always working. The life you are living right now, or your current situation, results from your past behavior and actions.

Albert Einstein said that everything is energy. Our bodies are constantly vibrating at a certain frequency. If we can match the frequency of where we are to where we want to be, we can attract the things we want into our lives.

“Everything is energy. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy. This is physics.”

—Albert Einstein

How does the Law of Attraction Work?

As I said, The Secret mostly discusses thought vibrations and how if you think about what you want more, you will get it. There are a lot more things necessary for the law of attraction to work.

Thought is just a small part of the process. You need belieffeelings, and words for this law to work. You have to match the vibrational frequency of what you want to manifest. And you have to be in alignment with your desires.

Understand this: Vibration = Thoughts + Feelings

The first step to getting what you want using the law of attraction is to know what you want. Let us take an example. Suppose you want to manifest your dream car. Firstly, do not just say that you want a nice car. Be more specific—the brand, model, color, and so on. Secondly, believe you can have it. You have to believe in yourself. Thirdly, see yourself driving it. Visualize it. Get into that feeling of having the car. Lastly, speak about it. Affirm to yourself about your feeling. You can also write it down to make it more powerful.

The Subconscious Mind

We have two minds—the conscious mind and the subconscious mind. The latter is responsible for the law of attraction to work. Our subconscious mind is constantly at work—even when we are asleep at night. If we can reprogram our subconscious mind to believing what we want, we will attract it.

The conscious mind only executes what it is told to do, like our external actions, for instance. On the other hand, the subconscious mind is the driving force and the controller of our behavior and actions. If you reprogram your subconscious mind for something to happen in your life, you can change the outside circumstances.

So, how can you reprogram your subconscious mind? Let’s take an example here. If you are constantly struggling with money in life, you usually say things like:

  • I don’t have any money.
  • I am poor.
  • My bank balance is low.

If you keep saying these things over and over—knowingly or unknowingly—you are programming your subconscious mind to believe that you have no money. Hence, you constantly face money problems and will be poor.

Conversely, despite having no money, if you say:

  • I have a lot of money.
  • I am rich and abundant.
  • My bank balance is increasing every day.

Then, you are reprogramming your subconscious mind to believe that you are not poor and don’t have money problems. Doing this will gradually change your outer circumstances.

Reprogramming the Subconscious Mind

Our parents, teachers, and friends have constantly been programming our subconscious mind since childhood. Do this, don’t do that, money doesn’t grow on trees, don’t behave like this, the list goes on.

Whatever we have heard since our childhood, we tend to believe in them. It is because our mind believes that these are true. So we miss out on the endless information, opportunities, and knowledge in life.

It is all about what you believe. Merely saying the words is not enough to reprogram your subconscious mind. As I said, you need to believe in them and feel as if they were already happening. Your words, thoughts, feelings, and beliefs create vibration. If you match the frequency of this vibration to your desires, you will manifest whatever you want in life.

How to Use the Law of Attraction?

There are different techniques to use the law of attraction. But you don’t have to use all of them. You only have to see what works for you—the one that makes you feel good and that enhances your belief system.

Here are a few (among many) methods you can use for the law of attraction to work.

1. Brainwash yourself

Brainwash yourself by using the power of the subconscious mind. Your outer circumstances may not be good at present. But if you focus on that, the situation is going to be worse. So instead, act as if you are in a happy place and things are going well.

Like in the previous example, even if you have no money, affirm that you have a lot of money. You have to make yourself believe in it. The stronger the belief, the better will be the results.

2. Positive Thoughts

Think positive thoughts. If you dwell on the negative thoughts, it will make a negative impact on your life. Therefore, positive thoughts are essential not only for the law of attraction to work but also for a better outlook on your life.

Thoughts are things. What you think, you become.

Your thoughts have great power. They can transform your life. Thoughts impact your health, wealth, relationships, career, and work. Good thoughts result in good outcomes. Bad thoughts result in bad outcomes. So, choose your thoughts carefully.

3. Scripting

Writing is a powerful manifesting technique. You can write your desires, goals, feelings, and ideas. It will help you become self-aware.

Scripting refers to writing down your desires. There are different techniques of scripting too. But, the simple one is to write down what you want to manifest on a piece of paper every day until it comes true.

While scripting, you must also include feelings. You must believe in the words you are writing. That will help you attract your desires quicker.

4. Affirmations

Speak out your desires in the present tense to yourself. It is one of the best techniques to reprogram your subconscious mind.

You can write down affirmations and read them out loud twice a day. Remember to use say it as if you already have it. So, eliminate the word “want” and replace it with “am” or “have”. For example, don’t say, “I want a beautiful relationship.” Instead, say, “I am in a beautiful relationship.” Similarly, stop saying, “I want a million dollars.” Instead, say, “I have a million dollars.”

Furthermore, eliminate negative words and sentences while affirming or scripting. For example, instead of saying, “I don’t want to be infected by the virus,” say, “I am healthy. I feel good.”

Experts say that affirmations are one of the best methods to use the law of attraction.

5. Visualization

Visualization is another powerful technique. It is to see the things that you want as if you already have them. Close your eyes, stay calm and start seeing yourself in possession of the things you want.

There are different methods of visualization. Some do it with meditation. Others do it during the day. For example, you can do it in the morning after waking up for 5-10 minutes or just before bed at night.

Pro tip: Try to use all your senses during visualization. In his book Think Like A Monk, Jay Shetty shares the 5-4-3-2-1 grounding method for visualizing. Here’s how to use the technique:

Look around you and find five things you can see, four things you can touch, three things you can hear, two things you can smell, and one thing you can taste.

My Experience—What Worked For Me

I have experimented with a lot of techniques of the law of attraction. I find scripting and visualization to work best for me. But, it does not mean that these are the only two that will work for you too.

I have manifested many things using these techniques—from getting good grades in college to attracting the love of my life. Further, I have healed my body using this process. For example, a few years ago, I had a problem with my throat. My voice was gone, and I could not speak for weeks. Upon diagnosis, the doctor said that I have a polyp in my vocal cords. He said I needed immediate surgery. Otherwise, it could get worse.

At first, I was worried. I said to my parents that I am doing the surgery because I don’t want any risk. I searched the internet that night and found that I could try other therapies and vocal exercises that could heal me without undergoing surgery. But, the doctor had said that surgery was the only option.

As soon as I found out that there was a chance, I took out my notebook and wrote that I would be healed and my voice will be back exactly one week from then. I wrote down the date and day that I will be healed. For the next seven days, I practiced therapies at home. I visualized myself speaking again. I did it every day, once in the morning and once at night. Moreover, I believed in myself that I would be healed.

Surprisingly, my voice got better, and I was healed in exactly seven days. I did not need surgery, only a few medications that the doctor had recommended. I could not speak for weeks before, and there I was, speaking perfectly in just a week after setting my intention to get healed.

This experience is only one of my many success stories with the law of attraction.

Final Thoughts

The law of attraction is universal. It works on everyone, even if you believe it or not. It does not depend on your current financial status, health, career, or whatever.

You have to experiment with different methods for it to work. There is no single method that works for everyone. The basic concept to understand is that you have to reprogram your subconscious mind in the process. If you do so, you can attract anything and can change your outer circumstances.

Start with your thoughts. Then, change your beliefs. And, remember to add feelings to it. Finally, a pro tip is to act as if it has already happened. Ask yourself what you would be doing or how you would feel if your desire has already come true. Once you get the answer to that, start doing what you would be doing. Then, start observing the feeling of having manifested your desires.

That is the key to success using the law of attraction. Remember, what you think, you become.

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