If You Can Publish Every Day For a Year, You’ll Never Have to Worry About Money Problems Again.

I’ve been writing online for almost four years now. It has been one of my best choices because my life has changed since I discovered writing.

Writing isn’t just about views, engagements, or money. I fell in love with the creative process—sharing ideas and significantly impacting people’s lives.

Throughout my writing journey, I learned that it leads to massive opportunities you never knew existed. I’ve received multiple ghostwriting gigs, been invited to podcasts, and been asked to collaborate on writing projects with other creators.

Most new writers associate writing with making money. They are in it with this goal. However, most fail to understand that money results from consistently showing up and publishing. You also received an opportunity because of your love for the craft.

Publishing daily means more opportunities.

I was reading Expert Secrets by Russell Brunson and came across this line:

If you can publish every day for a year, you’ll never have to worry about money problems again.

I used it as the headline of my article because it resonated with me so much, as I’ve been trying to address it to many writers and creators. If you also think about making money with your creative work, show up daily, and you will genuinely start making money.

Whether you are a writer, vlogger, filmmaker, musician, or artist, publishing daily is the secret to gaining massive opportunities that can yield monetary benefits. I know it sounds cliche. You’ve heard it already — publish every day.

I can confirm that this cliche is true because I’ve experienced my growth as a writer by showing up daily.

When you publish every day, you will find your voice.

You will understand what you like and dislike. Further, people will find your work and begin to resonate with you. You will also be aware of what people want from you.

As a creator, your growth directly results from the number of people you impact. The more audience you can build and help, the more money you can make. Therefore, it is crucial to know what people want.

However, you must also enjoy what you do and not just focus on people’s desires. If you don’t love what you do, you cannot help your audience long-term, and you will eventually get bored.

Creative success is about volume. The more work you produce, the more views, engagements, and earnings. Your audience grows because your chances of being seen increase when you publish daily.

How do you make money by publishing daily?

As I said, you attract opportunities when you publish more. These can take any form, such as job offers, collaboration with other creators, working for a business, sponsors from brands, etc.

Promoting your products or services daily is the primary way to monetize your content. When you become a creator, you can build a product related to your niche. You can also provide services to companies or individuals. Your daily content will be a perfect place to promote these products and services. You can get paid directly for each sale you make.

Furthermore, you can also monetize using other strategies like:

  • Creating on pay platforms (for example, Medium, YouTube, 𝕏, etc.)
  • Receive sponsors from brands to promote their products or services through your content.
  • Selling services to help individuals or businesses with their content
  • Building your products like courses, e-books, apps, templates, checklists, etc.
  • Collaborating with other creators and sharing revenue
  • Receiving working opportunities from businesses worldwide

The more volume you can produce, the more you can promote. Daily publishing gives you this advantage.

The best way to learn and grow is to publish consistently.

Besides the monetary benefits, publishing daily helps you learn and improve. When I started writing, I had no idea about blogging or publishing. My articles sucked. But I never enrolled in courses or read books. I learned through experience — daily publishing and following other writers.

The more I published and learned from other writers, the more I grew. I consistently followed this routine for months and years, bringing me to where I am today. I’m still learning with the same strategies.

Remember to make continuous improvements along the way when you publish your work. Consistently publishing might help you improve, but the growth can be limited. You grow and succeed only when you continuously improve. In other words, publish daily but also learn each day. Your subsequent work should also be better than the previous one; it doesn’t matter if it’s only 1%.

Daily publishing with continuous improvements results in guaranteed success — more views, followers, likes, subscribers, and money.

Publish daily! Show up, and you will never have to worry about these outcomes.

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