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3 Simple Ways to Build Self-Confidence

I used to watch a lot of Ted Talks that were inspiring and that helped me become a better person. But I had not watched...

Mindset – How You Can Fulfill Your Potential

You might have heard that with a proper mindset, we can achieve whatever we desire. But, what is a proper mindset?...

Is An MBA In Nepal Worth It?

Master of Business Administration (MBA) is considered one of the most prestigious degrees in Business and Management...

Why You Should Consider Investing in Stocks

You might have heard about people making a lot of money in the stock market. Conversely, you might have also heard about...

4 Steps to Change Any Habit — Lessons From ‘The Power of Habit’

This article is based on a book by Charles Duhigg called The Power of Habit. Habits are the activities that we often do...

Be The Change You Want To See

“Be the change you want to see in the world.” —Mahatma Gandi People often want change. They talk about the...

Why You Should Meditate – A Beginner’s Guide to Meditation

If you Google the word ‘Meditation’, you will find thousands of results. You will find the basic idea of...

Why Persistence is the Key to Success

It’s new year’s day – another day to set resolutions. “I am going to lose weight.”...

3 Simple Ways to Build Self-Confidence

I used to watch a lot of Ted Talks that were inspiring and that helped me become a better person. But I had not watched...

Mindset – How You Can Fulfill Your Potential

You might have heard that with a proper mindset, we can achieve whatever we desire. But, what is a proper mindset?...

Is An MBA In Nepal Worth It?

Master of Business Administration (MBA) is considered one of the most prestigious degrees in Business and Management...

Why You Should Consider Investing in Stocks

You might have heard about people making a lot of money in the stock market. Conversely, you might have also heard about...

4 Steps to Change Any Habit — Lessons From ‘The Power of Habit’

This article is based on a book by Charles Duhigg called The Power of Habit. Habits are the activities that we often do...

Be The Change You Want To See

“Be the change you want to see in the world.” —Mahatma Gandi People often want change. They talk about the...

Why You Should Meditate – A Beginner’s Guide to Meditation

If you Google the word ‘Meditation’, you will find thousands of results. You will find the basic idea of...

Why Persistence is the Key to Success

It’s new year’s day – another day to set resolutions. “I am going to lose weight.”...

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